1 Mayıs 2009 Cuma

Diyet Yemekleri

Diyet Makarna

Yarım paket kepekli makarna 200 gr brokoli 2 sap taze soğan Yarım bardak bezelye 100 gr havuç 1 diş sarımsak

Yemeğin Yapılışı

Makarnayı haşlayın. Havucu dilimleyin, brokolinin iri parçalarını bölün, bezelyelerle birlikte tamamını buharda pişirin. Taze soğanı ince kıyın, sarımsağı kıyın, haşlanan sebzelerle birlikte hepsini makarnaya katın.

Lahana Çorbası

6 büyük soğan 4 ya da 5 tane domates 2 kırmızı biber 1 büyük lahana 1 demet kereviz sapı

Yemeğin Yapılışı

3 litre su Son derece basit yani. Sebzeleri büyük parçalara göre kesebilir ya da püre haline getirebilirsiniz. Tamamen size kalmış. Verdiğim miktar bir ya da iki kişi için yeterli olacaktır. Çorbanın hazırlanması 10 dakikanızı alır. Pişirmesi ise en az bir buçuk saat. İçine istediğiniz baharatı atabilirsiniz. Kekik, karabiber, pul biber vs... Bu köylü çorbasını diyet yapmadığınız dönemlerde de rahatlıkla tüketebilirsiniz. Sindirimi son derece kolaylaştıran bir etkisi vardır.

Ton Balıklı Salata

400 gr ton balığı(diyet konserve), 2 adet kırmızı soğan, 3 adet domates, 3 sap maydanoz, 1 adet göbek salata, 20 gr yeşil zeytin, 4 yemek kaşığı limon suyu, 1/2 yemek kaşığı dilimlenmiş limon kabuğu, 4 yemek kaşığı zeytinyağı, tuz, karabiber

Yemeğin Yapılışı

Soğanları soyup, yıkayın ve yarım ay şeklinde dilimleyin. Domatesleri kaynar suya atıp çıkarın, kabuklarını soyup dörde bölün. Çekirdeklerini çıkartıp ince ince dilimleyin. Maydanozun yapraklarını yıkayın, domates ve soğanlarla karıştırın. Göbek salatayı yıkayıp süzülmeye bırakın. Domatesli karışımla birlikte tabaklara paylaştırın. Limon suyu ve kabuğunu tuz, karabiber ve zeytinyağı ile karıştırın. Ton balığını süzüp iri parçalara ayırın, salataların üstüne koyun. Sos ve zeytinleri ekleyip servis yapın.

Domatesli Kabak Sote


Yarım kilo kabak 2 tatlı kaşığı zeytinyağı 4 tatlı kaşığı domates salçası 1 diş sarmısak 1 tutam kırmızı toz biber 1 tutam tuz

Yemeğin Yapılışı

Kabakları ince dilimler halinde doğrayın. Yanmaz tavada kızdırdığınız zeytinyağında sarımsağı pembeleştirin. Kabakları, toz biberi ve domates salçasını karıştırın. Üzerlerine tuz ve gerekiyorsa biraz su ekledikten sonra tavanın kapağını kapatarak yemeği kısık ateşte 15 dakika pişirin

Nohut Salatası

250 gram yoğurt 1 diş sarmısak 1 adet soğan 1 demet maydanoz 10 adet küçük domates 3 yemek kaşığı üzüm sirkesi 4 yemek kaşığı zeytinyağı tuz karabiber

Yemeğin Yapılışı

Nohutları bol suda 3-4 saat ıslatın. Tuz ilave edin, tencerenin kapağını kapatıp 1 saat orta ateşte haşlayın. Soğumaya bırakın. Sarmısağı ve soğanı soyun. Soğanı ince kıyın. Sarmısağı dövün. Maydanozun yapraklarını koparın, yarısını ince kıyın. Diğer yarısını bir kenara koyun. Küçük domatesleri yıkayın, dörde bölün. Hazırladığınız malzemeleri (kıyılmamış maydanoz yaprakları hariç) dikkatlice karıştırın. Sirkeyi tuz ve karabiberle hafif çırpın, zeytinyağını yavaş yavaş ekleyerek yeniden çırpın ve malzemeyi ilave edip karıştırın. Nohut salatasını 30 dakika ağzı kapalı olarak buzdolabında dinlendirin. Servis yapmadan önce maydanoz yapraklarını ilave edin.

Kırmızı Biber Turşusu

2 Kg Kırmızı Biber2 Baş Sarmısak2 Demet Maydanoz1 Su Bardağı Sirke1 Çay Bardağı Limon Suyu1 Çay Bardağı Sıvı YağYeterince Turşu Tuzu
Yemeğin Yapılışı
Kırmızı biberleri bol suda yıkayarak kurulayalım. Fırın tepsisine dizelim. Fırında kabukları soyulup, yumuşayana dek fırında tutalım. Biberleri boyuna iki eşit parçaya bölüp, çekirdek yataklarını çıkaralım. Biberleri iri iri keselim. Sarmısakların kabuklarını soyalım. Ve küçük küçük doğrayalım. Maydanozları ince ince keselim.Hepsini harmanlayarak kavanoza dolduralım. Ayrı bir tabağa sirkeyi, limon suyunu ve turşu tuzunu karıştıralım. Tuz eriyene kadar bir kaşık yardımıyle karıştıralım.Sıvı yağı da ilave ederek kavanozun içine dökelim. Kavanozun ağzını kapatalım.Not: Turşuyu kışa kadar saklayacaksanız, buzdolabında muhafaza edin.

Semizotlu Cacık

150 gr Semizotu2 Su Bardağı Nohut3-4 Diş Sarmısak1 Tatlı Kaşığı Kuru Nane3 Çorba Kaşığı ZeytinyağıSu, Tuz
Yemeğin Yapılışı
Semizotunun kök kısımlarını ayıklayıp,bol suda yıkayalım.Sarmısakları havanda döverek,yoğurda ekleyelim.Yoğurda çok az su ilave edelim.Koyu ayran kıvamına gelinceye kadar bir çatal yardımıyla iyice çırpalım.Yıkanmış semizotunun suyunu süzdükten sonra bir ekmek tahtasının üzerine koyup,keskin bir bıçak yardımıyla yarım cm aralıklarla doğrayalım.İri İri doğradığımız semizotunu ve tuzu,çırptığımız yoğurdun içine ilave edelim.Hepsini karıştırdıktan sonra kaselere dolduralım.Üzerine zeytinyağı gezdirelim.Kuru nane serptikten sonra yemeklerin yanında servis yapalım.

27 Nisan 2009 Pazartesi


Do you have what it takes to become a successful Forex Trader?Forex trading, or any trading for that matter, is an occupation that requires experience and the accumulation of proficiency not unlike any other highly skilled profession. Whether you are a leading executive at a major publically traded company, a professional golfer or trading from your kitchen table, there are 5 key ingredients that one must possess in order to become successful.1. You must be Passionate about what you do.As Forex traders we all face one unique set of circumstances that does not exist in any other profession. We get rewarded for when we succeed and equally punished when we don’t! Could you image a corporate worker one quarter receiving a significant accomplishment bonus and the next quarter actually getting money taken from their paycheck for missing performance targets? Not on your life!We do as Forex traders and that is why passion for what you do will carry you through the tough times that are part of your trading business. Asked yourself why you trade currencies and would you still do it if Forex were not potentially lucrative? Your answers will be quite revealing. You’ve got to feel your passion for trading!2. You have to Apply Yourself and work hard at it.I talk to so many people that enter into Forex trading with the aspiration of getting rich quick. Without putting the time and energy into really getting good at trading I see them jump from strategy to strategy looking for the goose that will lay the golden egg and eventually quitting while blaming everything else, except the true cause.I got news for you – you are the goose and your Forex education is the golden egg. The magic has always resided with the magician and not some strategy. Work hard at trading and the rewards will eventually come your way. Remember what Tiger Woods said, “Funny, the harder I work the luckier I get.” Apply yourself as a trader and it will be no accident when your account begins to blossom.3. You must Focus to really get good at what you do.Now here is the hurdle most Forex traders struggle to get over. You have the passion and you are applying yourself to your trade, now focus and really get good at just at what you are doing. Be the expert to the experts at just that one thing. Become the master of a strategy or risk management methodologies. Really focus on getting good at it.Stop jumping around or getting pulled from the last “latest and greatest” into the next “latest and greatest” and focus on one aspect of Forex trading and know it inside out. Know it strengths and weakness. Set your sights on becoming expert on just one aspect of trading and watch it spill over in all other aspects for your currency trading. This is the time to fail forward fast, use every setback as a learning opportunity that will propel you 3-steps ahead!4. You must Push Yourself beyond the point everyone else might have quite.In Forex Trading this is simple. Assume there is someone on the other side of your trade that is pushing themselves and sharpening their edge. To be successful you must you must do the same thing. Now is the time to examine your mental edge. Do you know the single most critical factor in any currency trade? It is you, the trader! Sharpening you mental edge is the most difficult aspect of trading, but also the most rewarding.Start with your Forex education and gain the self-awareness necessary to maximize your strengths and suppress your weaknesses. Any expert will tell you that trading is 80% mental. It’s time to sharpen your trading to the razor’s edge and you do this through Forex education. A constant and never ending process that will become the cornerstone of your Forex experience.5. You must, without wavering, be Determined and Persist to your objective.You will fail. I can state that emphatically. However, you will not be defeated unless you allow your failures to control your trading. It is the old adage; failure is not falling of your horse, failure is refusing to get back on. Your success depends on your ability to dismiss the criticism, rejection, self-doubt and pressures associated with Forex trading.Defining what is a winning trade, losing trade and bad trade will go a long way into developing you as a successful trader. Without the determination and persistence in all aspects of your trading life, obstacle will definitely appear closer and larger than they actually are.Take a moment and assess yourself and your trading. Do you have the key elements to succeed? Which areas are presents development opportunities? When conducting a self-evaluation it is critical to be totally upfront and honest with yourself. After all, you will only be dishonest with yourself. One of the most interesting observations you can make is that all key success factors are interwoven. One factor supports the other. This is why your Forex education is a continuous journey of forex strategy, money management and self-mastery. Set these factors as your Forex education goals and take your currency trading to new heights.

26 Nisan 2009 Pazar

Huntron Scanners

Adding a Huntron® Scanner to your Tracker Model 30 system lets you access components using standard DIP clips and cables, custom cables to PCB connectors or interface to a bed-of-nails.You can compare one component with another in real-time (64 pins max.) or use your PC to automate testing and scan up to 128 pins.Huntron Scanners can be used with a Huntron Access Prober to provide Common line connections while the Prober is probing a PCB. This method gives you up to 128 selectable Commons to use. For example, you can connect the Scanner to a connector on a PCB mounted in the Prober using a common ribbon style cable. While the Prober is probing, any one of the lines on the connected ribbon cable can be selected as the Common reference. This would provide you true point-to-point testing capabilities.Note: The ProTrack Scanner will be replaced by the Scanner II and/or the Scanner 31S effective 1/1/2008. This applies to commercial sales only.Scanner II and Scaner 31S users may want to consider these Optional Accessories to enhance their test capabilities.
The Scanner II and Scanner 31S accessories add scanning capability to the Tracker Model 30
All Scanners have a minimum 64 pin capability
The Scanner II can scan up to 128 pins when the A and B channels are combined
The Scanner 31S use standard IDC style connectors
The Scanner II uses the common SCSI-2 (68 pin) style connectors
Up to 8 Scanner IIs can be “daisy-chained” to increase the available number of test pins
Selecting Accessories for your Scanner IIThe Scanner II accessories for interfacing to your printed circuit board come "ala carte". This means that you select the accessories you want included with your Scanner. Choose from SMT or through-hole style DIP clip and cable kits (Scanner Adapter required with Scanner II) or a mutli-pin breakout cable. Details on these accessories are provided on this page

Elmalı Sufle Turta

4 Kahve Fincanı Un2 Tutam Kabartma Tozu3 Çorba Kaşığı Tozşeker1 Yumurta Akı1,5 Çay Bardağı Margarin
1 kg Elma3 Çorba Kaşığı Limon Suyu5 Çorba Kaşığı Portakal Likörü6 Yumurta5 Çorba Kaşığı Tozşeker1,5 Kahve Fincanı Un2 Tutam Kabartma TozuAYRICAKalıbı Yağlamak İçin Yağ3-4 Çorba Kaşığı File BademPudraşekeri

Yemeğin Yapılışı :

Hamur malzemelerinin tamamını karıştırıp yoğurun. Sonra bir folyoya sarıp 30 dakika soğuk bir ortamda bekletin.Hamuru düz bir zeminde açın. Yuvarlak bir kalıbı yağlayıp hamuru içine yerleştirin. Kalıba yerleştirdiğiniz hamurun birkaç yerine bıçak batırıp soğuk bir ortamda bekletin.Fırını 175 dereceye ayarlayıp önceden ısıtın. Elmaları soyup sekize bölün ve çekirdekerini çıkarın. Üzerlerine limon suyu ve 2 çorba kaşığı portakal likörü gezdirin. Yumurtaların sarılarını aklarından ayırıp, 2 çorba kaşığı sıcak suyla çırpın. Akları ise köpük halini alıncaya kadar çırpın. 3-4 çorba kaşığı tozşeker ekleyip çırpmaya devam edin. Yumurta sarıları, un, kabartma tozu ve yumurta aklarını bir kasede dikkatlice karıştırın. Karışıma kalan likörü yavaş yavaş ekleyin.Karışımın yarısını hamurun üzerine döküp, elmaları yerleştirin, kalanını elmaların üzerine dökün. File bademleri turtanın üzerine serpip önceden ısıtılmış fırında 50 dakika kadar pişirin. Servis yapmadan önce turtanın üzerine pudra şekeri serpin.Elmalı sufle turtayı çocuklarınız için hazırlarken likör yerine portakal suyu veya değişik meyveli şuruplar kullanabilirsiniz.

Ayvalı Kek

4 Adet Yumurta2 Su Bardağı Toz Şeker1 Su Bardağı Dövülmüş Ceviz2 Su Bardağı Ayva RendesiYarım limon suyu1 Paket Kabartma Tozu1 Çay Kaşığı Tarçın125 gr Margarin2,5 Su Bardağı UnÇikolata sos için :100 gr Margarin4 Yemek Kaşığı Kakao1 Adet Yumurta5 Yemek Kaşığı Pudra Şekeri
Yemeğin Yapılışı :
Yumurtaları ve toz şekeri çırpın. Margarini eritip ılınmasını bekleyin. Ceviz ve margarini katın. Ayva rendesi ve Iimon suyunu karıştırın. Hamura ilave edin. Un ve kabartma tozunu; tarçını ekleyerek yavaş yavaş karışıma katın.Yağlanmış unlanmış kek kalıbına dökın. 170 derecede ısıtılmış fırında 50 dakika pişirin. Soğuduktan sonra kalıptan çıkarın. Üzerine çikolatalı sos dökıp servise sunun.Sosun hazırlanışı : Margarini eritip soğutun. Kakao, yumurta ve pudra şekeri ile mikserde çırpın. Kekin üzerine gezdirin.

Shadyside Inn Suites

Shadyside Inn Suites is different. Your idea of staying in a hotel is about to change. Our suites are not typical hotel rooms. In fact we do not have rooms; we only offer suites. Why are we different? Your suite is a fully furnished apartment with the same amenities as a hotel located in a residential neighborhood. It’s not just any neighborhood, it's Shadyside, Pittsburgh’s most quaint, trendy, and upscale urban area. Picture Boston’s Newberry Street, or New York’s East Village and you will get an idea of what the Shadyside area is like.Imagine having your own apartment in the best location in Pittsburgh for as little as a day or for as long as a lifetime. Shadyside Inn Suites is as flexible as you need. Only going to be here for a night? Why not have your own fully equipped apartment? Need somewhere to stay for a month while your house is renovated? Shadyside Inn Suites is your answer. Looking to attend the University for only nine months? Shadyside Inn Suites can accommodate. Think this is going to cost you more than a hotel? Not even close. Our rates are lower, our suites are double the size of any hotel in the area, our parking is free, and our location is unrivaled.Our suites are located within a block or two of some of the best dining, entertainment, and shopping in Pittsburgh. At your door are 135+ shops, 15+ restaurants and some of the best nightlife in the area. Shop in small boutiques, visit your favorite national store, and dine on cuisines from all over the world. Shadyside living is unmatched.Stay in Shadyside and still be approximately 4 miles from Downtown Pittsburgh and the Convention Center and less than 1 mile from the following hospitals: Presbyterian, Montefiore, Magee Women's, Falk Clinic, West Penn, Children's, Shadyside Hospital, and Western PsychiatricWithin 1 mile of the Shadyside Inn Suites is The Carnegie Museum of Art, The Museum of Natural History, The University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University Chatham College, and Carlow College.Besides coming for a visit, the best way to learn about our story is read what other people have said about us. Please click on the following links to read what the professionals have to say.



ASC is a leading manufacturer of specialized process equipment, control systems, and custom manufacturing software used in the composites, plastics, glass, solar, lumber, and concrete, coatings, and finishing industries. Our product lines include composite autoclaves, glass-laminating autoclaves, concrete autoclaves, industrial ovens, composite ovens, electroplating automation systems, process control software, autoclave control software, oven control software, and crane and hoist control software including scheduling. We're located in Los Angeles, CA and support thousands oAutoclaves and other equipmentASC manufactures a range of process equipment, including autoclaves, ovens, presses, heating systems, cooling systems, vacuum systems, and specialty pressure equipment. We also buy and sell used equipment.systems and hundreds of customers wControl & power systemsASC is a leading supplier of control and power systems for a wide variety of equipment and industries. We specialize in PC-based and PLC-based control solutions. Our PC-based systems typically feature our industry-standard CPC control software package.orldwide.Software for controls and manufacturingASC can develop custom software solutions for a wide variety of manufacturing applications. Our CPC software is the world's leading software for control of autoclaves, ovens, and many other applications. Our FLEXTIME software is also the leading PC-based solution for electro-plating and anodizing control


Pro” Docking Station dynos (right) include: stationary heavy-duty steel absorption frame, quick-clamp engine cart with adjustable mounts, telescoping driveshaft with U-joints and hinged guard, 13" toroidal flow water brake absorber, CW starter (accepts optional second CCW starter), Electronic Auto-Load Servo, DYNOmite data-acquisition computer, bidirectional full bridge load cell, battery compartment, “Pro” console, stainless braided hoses, engine temperature thermistor, thermostatic coolant tower, illuminated wiring/coolant boom, and wiring subsystem with full-function data harness. (AC absorber optional.)
Mobile Test Stand dynos (below and right) include: tube steel engine frame (with quick-adjust mounts, heavy-duty locking casters, and engine leveling jack), 13" toroidal flow water brake absorber, load control, DYNOmite data-acquisition computer, full-bridge electronic torque arm transducer, wall (or stand) mounted console, bell-housing adapter plate, input shaft, calibration arm, stainless braided hoses, engine temperature thermistor, and full-function data wiring harness. (Many other ike a cooling tower and even docking station or reaction cradle configuration upgrades, may be added at any time.)
Test over 800+ Hp* capacity with our standard 13" toroidal flow water brake absorber, or 2,000+ with Siamese-rotor version. Loads most high performance engines at any throttle setting or RPM you will need to test at - indefinitely! (Requires minimum of 5 gpm @ 30+ psi for every 100 continuous Hp. Many other water brake, AC, or eddy current absorber combinations are available to test from 1 to over 10,000 Hp.)
Heat-treated input-shaft couples the mobile stand’s absorber to your engine’s 1-3/8" x 10 splined clutch disk (or optional heavy-duty dampened engine drive plate). Docking station versions use a telescoping driveshaft.
Absorber to bell-housing adapter plate fits popular GM and Ford bell-housing patterns to the mobile engine stand. Its unique design transmits no torque back through the frame. Can be field adapted to other applications. Docking station versions feature a race-car like engine plate.
DYNOmite Data-Acquisition Computer automatically records true Hp, torque, RPM, elapsed time, etc. at up to 1,000 readings per second (that’s per channel, not just a total). It can even apply inertia compensation and SAE correction factors for air temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humidity. Test results display on either a built-in DYNOmite LCD or optional DYNO-MAX 2000™ equipped PC. Either configuration can output reports to your compatible printer (an optional is available for portable operation).
Patented torque arm technology features environmentally sealed strain gauge equipped torque transducer (temperature compensated) which measures true shaft torque and Hp. Pushbutton, semi-automatic zero-offset calibration is standard. Advanced features include: “Smart Record™,” data dampening, spike filtering, playback data averaging, atmospheric correction, auto-zeroing, instant playback, and integral rev-limiter.

DYNO-MAX 2000™ software option creates a full engine dynamometer lab on your Windows PC. Features include: real-time trace graph display, adjustable voice/color limit warnings, pushbutton controls, plus user configurable analog and digital gauge ranges. Publication-quality color graphs and detailed reports are available for printing or importing into other programs. With appropriate automated electronic loading and throttle control hardware options, operators can easily execute complex race simulations and engine test cycles. ()
"Pro” Console upgrade adds a Dell™ with Intel® processor PC and 17" high-resolution LCD monitor. It’s optimized for DYNO-MAX 2000’s real-time color graphics -
Develop more powerful engines by pinpointing exact RPM locations of horsepower loss or gain. Evaluate components, tuning changes, engine durability, etc. You will know what works and what should stay on the shelf. For the first time you can map a fuel injection or spark curve map without endless test track time. Perform standardized break-in, endurance tests, or run complex engine simulations from idle to full throttle – without any tedious programming.
Increase profits selling dyno services and improve customer satisfaction by diagnosing tough problems quickly. Uncovering marginal electrical and fuel system malfunctions or tweaking the correct settings is no longer trial and error. The value of dyno testing is well accepted and significant horsepower gains are common during tuning sessions, so customers willingly pay for dynoing.
Simplified installation is just one benefit of the mobile engine stand’s design. With a few options, you can even roll your unit outside for testing - no expensive dyno cell or ventilation system required! However, as your business expands, you are ready to step up to a full-blown docking station test cell (above) and multiple engine carts - without squandering your original investment.
Easy test set-ups by mechanics and machinists with no dyno experience. Get quick horsepower plots of the engine’s entire torque vs. RPM curve. No prior experience with computers is needed. It can take less than an hour to install, test, and output report data with the DYNOmite. Just fasten the mobile stand’s absorber/adapter plate assembly to your engine’s clutch bell housing and bolt everything onto the stand’s adjustable mounts (or drop an engine onto a docking station cart and roll it into the cell), hook up the wiring and hoses, and test.
Automated load control using an optional electronic Auto-Load Servo (High or Ultra-Flow) kit to replace the standard manual load control. You just push buttons to set a test RPM or sweep rate and the DYNOmite’s advanced PID algorithms run the whole test. The dynamometer computer logs all the data automatically, so you do not have to run the engine to death just getting a simple test curve. You can even add an electronic throttle control to further automate many of DYNO-MAX 2000 “Pro’s” built-in tests or to maximize the capabilities of any simulations that you create. (Electronic Auto-Load control is standard on all our “Pro” water brake, eddy current, or AC absorber dynamometer systems.)
Affordable upgrades including: spare rolling engine stands (or docking carts), cushioned drive plates (or telescoping driveshafts), sprint car engine adapters, thermostatically controlled cooling tower, on-board fuel systems and starters, stainless steel engine stand drip tray, fuel flow and airflow turbines, “Weather Station,” EGT (exhaust gas temperature) thermocouple kits, AFR (air/fuel ratio) monitors, air and liquid pressure transducers, RTDs, thermistors, knock sensors, integrated 5-gas exhaust analyzers, precision crankshaft degree position encoders, high-speed cylinder pressure mapping systems, and both servo load and throttle control options. (See section for more details.)
Live-person technical phone support provides a significant advantage over other companies’ obnoxious “voice mail” runarounds. Also, our standard hardware phone and e-mail support, plus access to the special DYNOmite owners 24/7 web support area, are all FREE!